Hello, I'm Kim Smadis.

Glad you are here.ย  My name is Kim Smadis, mama to 4 amazing men, and married for almost 25 years to the love of my life! If youโ€™re here, youโ€™re likely looking for solutions. Arenโ€™t we all? The real question is what KIND of solutions and how can I help?! Since 2010 I have been travelling the world learning about alternative health to heal our body. Wether from India, China, or Bali; each one of the countries contributed to my fight against cancer since 2010.ย 

In addition to my travels, I took every course and certificate program possible on how to heal my body and prevent disease.ย ย Together, with my family, we have built a life reducing as many toxins as possible. We didn't have a choice. We needed to do this so I could live!

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH . . . . . . . . .ย 



Don't recognize myself when I look in the mirror!


Now I am left trying to figure out how to rebuild my life......

In 2019, find out my huysband was having strokes, with permanent brain damage, shortly after finding out he was adopted from a colony as a "purchased baby" in 2021, he starts loosing cognitive function, hits a deep depression and attempts suicide on April 8th 2023 leaving him in full-time care!

Now, here I am, just turned 50, found another lump, losing my teeth due to treatments, have totally negelected myself as the focus was my husband.

and trying to figure out how to claw my way back out of this hole I am in!